The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. -William James
When we have worry, we focus our energy and attention on one thought or a series of thoughts. With that laser-like focus, we exclude all other thoughts or solutions to what we are worried about. It is impossible for us to think of more than one thing at a time. Try it. Think about the Statue of Liberty. Picture her in your mind for a minute. Now, while thinking of the Statue of Liberty, think about what is stressful to you. Could you do it? It is not possible for us to think about two things at the same time.
How does this apply to stress? When we think about stressful things, we do not have room to think about or practice relaxation. When we think about and practice relaxation, we cannot think about our stress at the same time. Listening to the recordings on our website or coming in to do a relaxation recording can help you focus your thoughts elsewhere and can help you relax.