Friday, March 2, 2012

Technology Busting Tips

Technology is a great blessing in our lives. It helps us stay connected to those around us and access information with the click of a mouse or a swipe of the finger. But as with all things, moderation is crucial to keep us in balance. When used too frequently and relied upon too much, technology has the power to distract us from what really matters and become an extra stress in our lives. Here's a few tips for keeping technology usage in check and making sure it acts as a help rather than a hindrance to our mental and spiritual health:
  • Turn your phone off for a few hours everyday
  • Allow yourself to have idle moments where you are not looking at a computer screen, TV, or phone
  • Open one web browser at a time when on the internet
  • Limit how often you check your email or facebook based on what you feel is necessary rather than checking because you are bored
  • Do not watch TV or be on a computer an hour before your bedtime
  • Read more from books, journals, and the paper--studies show that we still absorb more information by reading things that are not online