Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Open Biofeedback Hours

Come in and practice your stress management skills and explore what specific relaxation styles work best for you. Each student will be assisted by a Biofeedback Assistant at their own computer station. Available to all BYU students, staff, and faculty.

Open Biofeedback Training may include:

  • Playing fun interactive biofeedback games and activities to: 
    • calm down
    • improve concentration and memory
    • enhance performance in academics, music and sports
  • Learning relaxation skills
  • Fulfillment of class requirements 

The first 3 people each hour will be admitted since there is limited space available. No appointment necessary.
All open biofeedback hours are held in 1582 WSC. White spaces indicate open hours for Winter 2013.

To find out the daily schedule of Open Biofeedback Hours, see the schedule below, call 801-422-3035 or come by the Counseling and Psychological Services reception desk in 1500 WSC between 8am and 5pm weekdays.