Saturday, September 26, 2009

Suggestions for Sleeping Problems

  1. Do not deliberately try to sleep. Listen to your body and let it be in charge of that process.
  2. Begin to slow down and reduce your physical and mental activity about ½ hour before your usual bedtime. Do things which are restful or even monotonous.
  3. Relax your body before your usual bedtime like soaking in a hot tub or massaging sore muscles.
  4. Use a sleep inducing technique when in bed.
  5. If you go to bed and do not fall asleep in 10-15 minutes, get up and do something restful which requires minimal mental and physical energy. Go back to bed when your body gets sleepy. Repeat this procedure until you fall asleep.
  6. Be sure to get up around your regular time each morning, even on weekends.
  7. Get up in the morning once you wake up. Avoid lying in bed in the half-awake state.
  8. Look forward to something to get up for each morning.
  9. Do not nap during the day. When you get tired or sleepy use a 15-20 minute relaxation exercise to refresh yourself.
  10. Do not use your bed for activities like reading, eating, studying, or resting. Lie on your bed only when you are ready to sleep.
  11. Do not panic if your usual sleep pattern is interrupted. Trust your body to handle the situation.
  12. Do not discuss disturbing topics late in the evening.
  13. Do not go to bed angry.
  14. Plan the next day the evening before and put what you will need in the morning in one place.
  15. Keep a pencil and paper by your bed to write down ideas you want to remember.
  16. Increase your physical activity/exercise during the day.
  17. Avoid late night munchies.
  18. Reduce the caffeine in your diet.
  19. Beware of clichés about sleep like, “your body will function best with at least eight hours of sleep each night.”

* Many of these suggestions are similar to ideas in How to Relax – A Holistic Approach to Stress Management by John D. Curtis and Richard A. Detert.

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